International Conference: One of our members (4th year undergraduate student (B4)) gave an oral presentation at MNC2022.

An oral presentation was given by our laboratory at 35th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2022) held on November 8-11, 2022. Mr. Tokuno, a fourth-year undergraduate student, gave an oral presentation of his research results in a general lecture slot.
Date:Nov. 10, 2022
Place:JR Hotel Clement Tokushima, Tokushima, Japan

For details of the presentation information, please click here.


General, Oral Presentation
Author:Kyosuke Tokuno, Takahiro Naganawa, Shohei Kinoshita, Yuya Tanaka and Daisuke Yamane
Title:A Simulation Environment for SAE-MEMS Vibration Energy Harvesters using Electric Circuit Simulator