Daisuke Yamane, Ph.D

Associate Professor, RARA Associate Fellow
College of Science and Engineering,
Dep. of Mechanical Engineering,
Ritsumeikan University

Ritsumeikan Univ DataBase


Address: 1-1-1 Noji-Higashi, Kusatsu, Shiga 525-8577 JAPAN
TEL & FAX: +81-77-561-2770 (Ext:8269)
E-Mail: dyamane (at) fc.ritsumei.ac.jp

Research Interests

MEMS, Micromachine, Micromechatronics, MEMS Physical Sensor, Energy Harvester, CMOS-MEMS, RF-MEMS


“A Study on SOI RF-MEMS Passive Devices by Functional Layer-wise Design Method”
Ph.D. March 2011, The University of Tokyo. (Supervisor: Prof. Hiroshi Toshiyoshi)


2011. 3Ph.D.
Electrical Engineering and Information Systems, Graduate School of Engineering,
The University of Tokyo
2008. 3M.E.
Electrical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering,
The University of Tokyo
2006. 3B.S.
Electronic Engineering, The University of Tokyo

Work Experience

2024.4 – presentRARA (Ritsumeikan Advanced Research Academy) associate fellow
Ritsumeikan University
2020.8 – 2022.7MEXT Senior Scientific Research Specialist
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI)
2020.4 – presentAssociate Professor
College of Science and Engineering, Dep. of Mechanical Engineering,
Ritsumeikan University
2017.10 – 2021.3PRESTO Research Director
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
2016.4 – 2020.3Assistant Professor
Laboratory for Future Interdisciplinary Research of Science and Technology (FIRST),
Institute of Innovative Research (IIR),
Tokyo Institute of Technology
2012.4 – 2016.3Assistant Professor
Precision and Intelligence Laboratory,
Tokyo Institute of Technology
2011.6 – 2012.3Visiting Scholar
University of California, Los Angeles(UCLA)
2011.4 – 2012.3Research Fellow(PD)
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
2010.4 – 2011.3Research Fellow(DC2)
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)


2022 – presentJSME (The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineer)– Member
– FY2024 (102nd term) Representative Member
-100th term (FY2024) Councilor
2013 – presentIEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)Member
2013 – presentIEICE (Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers)Member
2012 – presentJSAP (Japan Society of Applied Physics)Member
2012 – presentStudy Group on Integrated MEMS, JSAPMember
2007 – presentIEEJ (Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan)Senior Member(2019.10 – present)
Member (2007 – 2019.10)

Professional Activities


2024IEEE MEMS 2025
– Technical Program Committee Member
2024The 15th Symposium on Micro-Nano Science and Technology
– TPC Member,
2024PowerMEMS+ 2024 Miniature Energy Systems
(the 23nd International Conference on Micro and Miniature Power Systems, Self-Powered Sensors and Energy Autonomous Devices)
– PowerMEMS+ School Chair
2024MNC 2024 (36th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference)
– Section 5 Sub Head
– Program Committee Member
(2024.2 – 2024.12)
41st IEEJ Sensors & Micromachine Symposium
– Program Committee Member
(2024.2- 2025.1)
2024APCOT2024 (The Asia-Pacific Conference of Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology 2024)
– Technical Program Committee Member
2023PowerMEMS2023 (The 22nd International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications)
– Awards Chair
2023MNC 2023 (36th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference)
-Program Committee Member
(2023.4 – 2023.12)
2023The 22nd International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems
– Technical Program Committee, Member
– Local Executive Committee, Manager
2023The 14th Symposium on Micro-Nano Science and Technology
– TPC Member
202340th IEEJ Sensors & Micromachine Symposium
– Program Committee Member
(2023.2- 2024.1)
2022MNC 2022 (35th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference)
– Program Committee Member
(2022.5 – 2022.12)
2022The 13th Symposium on Micro-Nano Science and Technology
– TPC Member
202239th IEEJ Sensors & Micromachine Symposium
– Program Committee Member
(2022.2- 2023.1)
2021 – 2022IEEE-NEMS 2022
– Invited Session Organizer
(2021.7 – 2022.4)
2021Program Committee Member, MNC 2021 (34th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference)
(2021.6 – 2021.12)
2021TPC Member, The 12th Symposium on Micro-Nano Science and Technology
2021Program Committee Member, 38th IEEJ Sensors & Micromachine Symposium
(2021.2.4- 2021.12.31)
2020Program Committee Member, MNC 2020 (33rd International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference)
(2020.4 – 2020.12)
2020Chair of Area 2 (Micro nano system), TPC Member of the 37th IEEJ Sensors & Micromachine Symposium
(2020.2.1- 2021.1.31)
2020TPC Member and vice facilitator of the 33th IEICE Workshop on Circuits and Systems
(2019.10- 2020.10)
2019Program Committee Member, MNC 2019 (32nd International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference)
(2019.4 – 2019.12)
2019Executive Committee Member, IEEJ 2019 Sensors and Micromachines [Division E]
(2019.2.1 – 2019.9.30)
2019 – 2020Vice Chair of Area 2 (Micro nano system), TPC Member of the 36th IEEJ Sensors & Micromachine Symposium
(2019.2.1 – 2020.1.31)
2018 – 2019TPC Member and vice facilitator of the 32th IEICE Workshop on Circuits and Systems
(2018.10 – 2019.9)
2019VDEC Designers Forum 2019, Organizing Committee Member
2018Program Committee Member, MNC 2018 (31st International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference)
(2018.4 – 2018.12)
2018 – 2019TPC Member of the 35th IEEJ Sensors & Micromachine Symposium
(2018.2.1 – 2019.1.31)
2017 – 2018TPC Member and facilitator of the 31th IEICE Workshop on Circuits and Systems
(2017.9.25 – 2018.10.20)
2018VDEC Designers Forum 2018, Organizing Committee Member
2017 – 2018TPC Member of the 34th IEEJ Sensors & Micromachine Symposium
(2017.2.1 – 2018.1.31)
2016 – 2017TPC Member of the 30th IEICE Workshop on Circuits and Systems
(2016.7.1 – 2017.9.25)
2017VDEC Designers Forum 2017, Organizing Committee Member
2016 – 2017IEEE-NEMS 2017 Invited Session Organizer
(2016.8 – 2017.4)
2016 – 2017TPC Member of the 33th IEEJ Sensors & Micromachine Symposium
(2016.2.1 – 2017.1.31)
2016VDEC Designers Forum 2016, Organizing Committee Member
2015 – 2016TPC Member of the 32th IEEJ Sensors & Micromachine Symposium
(2015.2.1 – 2016.1.31)
2015 VDEC Designers Forum 2015, Organizing Committee Member
2014 – 2015TPC Member of the 31th IEEJ Sensors & Micromachine Symposium
(2014.2.1 – 2015.1.31)
2014VDEC Designers Forum 2014, Organizing Committee Member


2024 – presentJSPS (The Japan Society of Applied Physics) Meeting, 16.2 Energy HarvestingProgram Editorial Board Member
2024 – presentIEEJ (Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan), Code: E (Sensors and Micromachines)
General Affairs and Planning
2024 – presentSeiko Instruments Advanced Technology Foundation
Nanomechanics Study Group
(2024.4.1 – 2027.3.31)
2023 – presentPowerMEMS (Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications)
(2023.12.21- present)
International Steering Committee Member
2024 – presentThe Study Group of the Integrated MEMS, JSPS
(2024.4.1- 2026.3.31)
2022 – 2023The Study Group of the Integrated MEMS, JSPS
(2022.4.1- 2024.3.31)
2020 – 2022The Study Group of the Integrated MEMS, JSPS
(2020.4.1- 2022.3.31)
Vice secretary
2012 – presentThe Study Group of the Integrated MEMS, JSPS
(2012.9.10- present)
Steering committee member
2016 – 2020The Study Group of the Integrated MEMS, JSPS
Website manager
2012 – 2016The Study Group of the Integrated MEMS, JSPS
Accounting and website manager


2024 – presentIEEJ (Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan), Code: E (Sensors and Micromachines)
2024 – presentThe Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
FY2024 (102nd term) Representative Member
2024 – presentThe Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Kansai Branch
100th term (FY2024) Councilor
2023 – presentMicromachine CenterObserver
2023 – presentIEICE Society Journal Paper Editorial Committee
(2023.6.8 – present)
Review Member
2022 – presentSensors and Materials
(2022.5 – 2025.4)
Editorial Board Member
2021 – 2022Sensors and Materials Special Issue “Smart Mechatronics for Energy Harvesting”
(2021.4 – 2022.5)
Guest Editor
2020 – presentInstitute of Industrial Science,
The University of Tokyo 
Research Fellow
2020 – 2023IEICE Electronics Express Editorial Committee
(2020.6.4 – 2023.6.7)
Associate Editor
2015 – presentIEEJ Journal Committee, Trans. Sensors and Micromachines
(2015.4.1 – present)
2018 – presentEnergy Harvesting Consortium(EHC)
(2018.7 – present)
2016 – 2018Department of Chemistry, School of Science,
The University of Tokyo 
Visiting Researcher
2013 – 2020VLSI Design and Education Center (VDEC)
(2013.12.1 – 2020.3.31)
Cooperative Research Fellow
2013 – 2020Institute of Industrial Science,
The University of Tokyo 
Associate Research Fellow
2012 – 2013
2012 NEDO Study Group on Innovative MEMS and Strategic Roadmap


172023The 8th Shiga Tech Plan Grand Prix, “Kyocera Award”
Winner: Daisuke Yamane (Representative, Presenter), Yukiya Tanaka (Vice Representative)
Award-winning team name: EsMEMS
Title: Next-Generation MEMS Developed by “Sprinkling” Electrets
Award date: Saturday, July 29, 2023
Click here to go to the Shiga Tech Planter 2023 announcement page.
Click here to go to the NEWS & TOPICS page of Ritsumeikan University.
162022Collaboration Research Award by Konica Minolta Science and Technology Foundation
Winner: Yosuke Mizuno, Tso-Fu Mark Chang, Daisuke Yamane
Title: “ウィーバブル・エレクトロニクスの創成”
Foundation HP: コニカミノルタ科学技術振興財団 (konicaminoltastf.or.jp)
News Release: 0131-01-01-ja.pdf (konicaminolta.com)
Decision Date: Jan. 31, 2022
Award Ceremony: March 1, 2022 (@Zoom)
152020Sensors and Materials, Young Researcher Paper Award 2019
Highly Commended Paper

Recipient:Daisuke Yamane
Paper Title:”A MEMS Accelerometer for Sub-mG Sensing”
See here
Award of Senior Membership
Received Award of Senior Membership from IEEJ (The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan)
(Oct. 9, 2019)
Grantor:Daisuke Yamane
132019SDGs Award
Nature’s 150th anniversary symposium, THE FUTURE OF JAPANESE SCIENCE
Poster session: Your vision ~ Foreseeing the impact of your research on society ~
(April 4, 2019)
Presentation Title:”Energy Harvesters for Autonomous Wireless Sensors in True IoT Society”
Recipient:Daisuke Yamane
Excellent Poster Award
The Study Group of The Integrated MEMS, 9th Integrated MEMS Symposium
(March 2018)
Paper Title:”A study on a damping constant model for structure design of a MEMS inertial sensor fabricated by multi-layer metal technology”
Recipients:Toshifumi Konishi, Teruaki Safu, Hiroshi Toshiyoshi, Daisuke Yamane, Masato Sone, Katsuyuki Machida, Kazuya Masu”
112016IEEE SENSORS 2016 Best Industry Paper Award
IEEE Sensors Council
(Nov. 2016)
Paper Title:”A Damping Constant Model for Proof-Mass Structure Design of MEMS Inertial Sensor by Multi-Layer Metal Technology”
Recipients:Toshifumi Konishi, Teruaki Safu, Katsuyuki Machida, Daisuke Yamane, Masato Sone, Kazuya Masu, Hiroshi Toshiyoshi
102016Best Technology Exhibition Award
IEEJ Sensors and Micromachines
(Oct. 2016)
Paper Title:「ナノ慣性計測デバイス・システム技術とその応用創出」
Recipients:Tokyo Institute of Technology: Masu lab,Miyake lab,Sone lab
920162016 Tokyo Tech Challenging Research Award, Granted a special award by the president
(平成28年度「東工大挑戦的研究賞」 学長特別賞)
Tokyo Institute of Technology
(Aug. 2016)
Paper Title:”Invention of nano-G inertia sensor by metal-crystal-grain controlled micro-electro-mechanical devices”
Recipients:Daisuke Yamane
82016Best Poster Award (Student Devision)
電子情報通信学会集積回路研究専門委員会 LSIとシステムのワークショップ
(May 2016)
Paper Title:「小型高感度MEMS慣性センサモジュールの試作評価」
Recipients:高安 基大, 權田 惇晟, 山根 大輔, 小西 敏文, 伊藤 浩之, 道正 志郎,石原 昇, 町田 克之, 益 一哉
72016Research Encouragement Prize
The Study Group of The Integrated MEMS, 6th Integrated MEMS Workshop
(March 2016)
Paper Title:”A Study on Mobile Vehicle Control by MEMS Inertial Sensors”
Recipients:Motohiro Takayasu, Daisuke Yamane, Toshifumi Konishi, Hiroyuki Ito, Shiro Dosho, Noboru Ishihara, Hiroshi Toshiyoshi, Kazuya Masu, Katsuyuki Machida
6201516th Tanaka Kikinzoku Memorial Foundation, MMS Prize
(March 2015)
Research Title:”A Study on MEMS Accelerometers for Sub-1G Detection”
Recipients:Daisuke Yamane
52015Excellent Paper Presentation Award
2015 The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, Annual Meeting
(March 2015)
Paper Title:”A Study on MEMS Accelerometers for Sub-1G Detection”
Recipients:Daisuke Yamane
42013Poster Award
The 74th JSPS Spring Meeting, 2013
(Sept. 2013)
Paper Title:”Evaluation of an Arrayed MEMS Accelerometer”
Recipients:Daisuke Yamane, Toshifumi Konishi, Takaaki Matsushima, Ken Kagaya, Masafumi Tsukuda, Hiroyuki Ito, NoboruIshihara, Hiroshi Toshiyoshi, Katsuyuki Machida, Kazuya Masu
Excellent Paper Presentation Award(総合研究会優秀論文発表賞)
2013 IEEJ Sensors and Micromachines
(Aug. 2013)
Paper Title:”A Study on an Arrayed MEMS Accelerometer”
Recipients:Masafumi Tsukuda, Daisuke Yamane, Ken Kagaya, Hiroyuki Ito, Nobiru Ishihara, Kazuya Masu, Toshifumi Konishi, Takaaki Matsushima, Katsuyuki Machida, Hiroshi Toshiyoshi
22013Excellent Paper Award(優秀論文賞)
The Study Group of The Integrated MEMS, 4th Integrated MEMS Symposium
(March 2013)
Paper Title:”An Integrated CMOS-MEMS Design Technique with Hardware Description Language”
Recipients:Toshifumi Konishi, Satoshi Maruyama, Makoto Mita, Katsuyuki Machida, Daisuke Yamane, Hiroyuki Ito, Noboru Ishihara, Kazuya Masu, Hiroyuki Fujita, and Hiroshi Toshiyoshi
Gold Prize
Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC) Student Paper Contest
Singapore, Dec. 7th-10th, 2009
Paper title:”A Dual-SPDT RF-MEMS Switch on a Small-Sized LTCC Phase Shifter for Ku-band operation”
Recipients:Daisuke Yamane


35PIAIST(産業技術総合研究所)・Ritsumeikan University(立命館大学)
FY2024 “Fusion Seeds Sprout Program”
Title: “IoTセンサ自立電源に向けたマイクロ有機熱電素子の開発”
(PI : 2024.6 ~ 2025.3)
34PITokyo Electron Joint Research Program (Large-Scale Research)
(in collaboration with Tokyo Electron Limited and Gunma University)
(PI:2024.4.1 ~ 2027.3.31)
33PIAY2024 International Collaborative Research Promotion Program (Start-up type)
Title: “マイクロ/ナノ電気機械システムを用いたリザバー・コンピューティング”
(in collaboration with University of Southampton, UK)
(PI:2024.4.1 ~ 2025.3.31)
32PIAY2024 International Collaborative Research Promotion Program (Start-up type)
Title: “Micro-Nano Engineering for Polymer Optical Fiber Sensors”
(in collaboration with National Tsing Hua University, TAIWAN)
(PI:2024.4.1 ~ 2025.3.31)
31PI2024 Cooperative Research Projects at Research Center for Biomedical Engineering
(in collaboration with Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
(PI : 2024.4.1~2025.3.31)
30PIFY2023 Ritsumeikan RIMIX Commercialization Grant
Title: “エレクトレットをワンチップ集積化したMEMSデバイスの開発”
(PI:2024.1 ~ 2024.3)
29PIFY2023 Mitutoyo Association for Science and Technology (MAST)
Title: “分極薄膜を用いた超高感度マイクロ慣性センサの開発”
(PI:2023.10.28 ~ 2025.10.28)
28PI2023 Cooperative Research Projects at Research Center for Biomedical Engineering
(in collaboration with Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
(PI : 2023.4~2024.3)
27PIJST (Japan Science and Technology Agency) A-STEP (Adaptable and Seamless Technology Transfer Program through Target-driven R&D)
Title: “Development of a Self-Biased Integrated SAE-MEMS Sensors”
(PI : 2022.10~2025.3)
26PISAMCO Science and Technology Foundation
FY2022 6th Research Grant for Thin Film Technology
Title: “自己組織化エレクトレットを用いた集積化静電MEMS振動エナジーハーベスタの開発”
(PI:2022.10 ~ 2023.9)
25PI2022 Cooperative Research Projects at Research Center for Biomedical Engineering
(in collaboration with Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
(PI : 2022.5~2023.3)
24PIJSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) [ID:22H01929]
Title: “Charge-Free Electrostatic MEMS Vibration Energy Harvester for Sensor/LSI Integration”
(PI : 2022.4~2025.3)
23Co-ICollaboration Research Award by Konica Minolta Science and Technology Foundation
Title: “ウィーバブル・エレクトロニクスの創成”
(Grant funding included)
22Co-IJSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) [ID:21H04555]
(Co-I : 2021.4~2026.3)
21Co-IJST (Japan Science and Technology Agency) CREST
Scientific Innovation for Energy Harvesting Technology
Title: “Development of hybrid vibrational energy harvester based on smart mechatronics”
(Co-I : 2021.4~2023.3)
20PI2021 Cooperative Research Projects at Research Center for Biomedical Engineering
(in collaboration with Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
(PI : 2021.4~2022.3)
19PI2020 Cooperative Research Projects at Research Center for Biomedical Engineering
(in collaboration with Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
(PI : 2020.5~2021.3)
18PIJSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) [ID:19K05232]
Title: “Development of MEMS Self-Destruction Design Technology for Secure IoT Devices”
(PI : 2019.4~2022.3)
17PIJST(Japan Science and Technology Agency) PRESTO
Scientific Innovation for Energy Harvesting Technology
Title: “Development of Multilayer-electret-integrated CMOS-MEMS Vibration Energy Harvester”
(PI : 2017.10~2021.3)
16Co-I2019 Cooperative Research Projects at Research Center for Biomedical Engineering
(in collaboration with National Tsing Hua University, TAIWAN)
(Co-I : 2019.5~2020.3)
15Co-I2019 Cooperative Research Projects at Research Center for Biomedical Engineering
(in collaboration with Toyohashi University of Technology)
(Co-I : 2019.5~2020.3)
14Co-I2018 Cooperative Research Projects at Research Center for Biomedical Engineering
(in collaboration with Toyohashi University of Technology)
(Co-I : 2018.4~2019.3)
13Co-I2018 Cooperative Research Projects at Research Center for Biomedical Engineering
(in collaboration with Toyohashi University of Technology)
(Co-I : 2018.4~2019.3)
12Co-I2017 Cooperative Research Projects at Research Center for Biomedical Engineering
(in collaboration with National Tsing Hua University, TAIWAN)
(Co-I : 2017.4~2018.3)
11Co-I2017 Cooperative Research Projects at Research Center for Biomedical Engineering
(in collaboration with Toyohashi University of Technology)
(Co-I : 2017.4~2018.3)
10PI2016 Tokyo Tech Challenging Research Award, Granted a special award by the president
(PI : 2016.8~2017.3)
2016 Cooperative Research Projects at Research Center for Biomedical Engineering
(in collaboration with National Tsing Hua University, TAIWAN)
(Co-I : 2016.6~2017.3)
8PIJSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) [ID:15K17453]
Title: “Development of Nano-G Detection Method using Electroplated Au-Alloy with Controlled Crystal Structure”
(PI : 2015.4~2018.3)
7PI16th Tanaka Kikinzoku Memorial Foundation
第16回 田中貴金属「貴金属に関わる研究助成金」
MMS Prize
(PI : 2015)
共同研究 半導体理工学研究センター 「超低電力RF CMOS回路技術を用いた環境発電型センサネットワークシステムの研究」
(Co-I :2014.4 ~ 2016.3)
JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Exploratory Research [ID:25630138]
Title: “A study on NEMS-Casimir multifunction sensors”
(PI : 2013.4~2015.3)
4Co-IJSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Exploratory Research [ID:25560190]
Title: “High-throughput decontamination technology for autologous hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation”
(Co-I : 2013.4~2015.3)
3PI2013 Tokyo Institute of Technology Fund
平成24年度東工大基金 「研究の種発掘」支援
(PI:2013.3.1 ~ 2014.2.28)
2PIJSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up [ID:24860027]
(PI : 2012.9~2013.3)
1PIJSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows [ID:10J07437]
(PI : 2010.4~2012.3)