Student Award: Mr. Tokuno, an M2 student in our lab, received the Haritake Mukumoto Research Encouragement Award from Ritsumeikan University.
Kyosuke Tokuno, a second-year master’s student in our lab, received the Haritake Mukumoto Research Encouragement Award from Ritsumeikan University.
This award was established in 2022 to recognize graduate students who conduct excellent research at the Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University, and thereby foster human resources in Japan who can contribute to the development of science and technology in Japan.
This award is made possible by a donation from Mr. Yukitoshi Mukumoto (B.S., 1963).
Also posted on the University HP News ↓
Awarding Ceremony Held for the “2024 Ritsumeikan University Haritake Mukumoto Research Encouragement Award