Two graduate students from our lab presented at a domestic conference (Mechanical Engineering Congress, 2023 Japan (MECJ-23))
Mr. Li and Mr. Iwakawa, first-year master’s students in our lab, presented their research at a domestic conference (Mechanical Engineering Congress, 2023 Japan (MECJ-23)) held on September 3-6, 2023.
Date & Time:Sep. 3-6, 2023
Place:Tokyo Metropolitan University, Minami-Osawa Campus, Hachioji, Tokyo
Conference:Mechanical Engineering Congress, 2023 Japan (MECJ-23)(日本機械学会 2023年度年次大会)
For details of the presentation information, please click here.
①Presented by Li
Author:Ruichen LI, Reiki SUGIMOTO, Kosuke KAWASHIMA, Yuya TANAKA and Daisuke YAMANE
Title: A Study on Electrical Characteristics of Micro-Patterned Self-Assembled Electrets
②Presented by Iwakawa
Author:Ryuta IWAKAWA, Keigo NOTA, Kentaro TAMURA, Kazumoto MIWA, Shimpei ONO and Daisuke YAMANE
Title: A Study on Non-Contact Double-Sided Vibrational Energy Harvesting with Electric Double Layer Electrets